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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal (Immortal Supers Book 1) Page 8
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Page 8
“But this is enough,” she whispered quietly, glancing up at me with her red eyes. She was hesitant then…vulnerable.
I sighed. “What’s going on Freya? What’s the real reason you don’t want to?”
She glanced away as she thought about answering. After a moment, she did. “I need this,” she admitted quietly. “And I don’t want you to take it away.”
I reached up and gently ran my fingertips from her temple down to her jawline, before slowly running them along her full lips. “I won’t do that to you,” I replied. “Besides, don’t you remember that you’re doing me a favor by ripping out my throat?”
She nodded slowly. Hesitantly.
I sighed. “Let me show you.”
I slowly encouraged her to get off then, before I took her to my ‘torture room’ that was really just a large closet full of various devices designed for pain. I had long since torn out the carpet, revealing the concrete floor underneath.
Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw it. “You really hurt yourself every day?” She asked in disbelief.
I looked down at her, trying to maintain a cheerful composure. “Yep! So trust me when I say that what you do to me is a lot more fun.” At least that part wasn’t a lie.
I knew Freya was hungry, but I didn’t realize how hungry until she eagerly agreed and went for my throat without warning. Her facial transformation still shocked me even though I'd seen it so many times. However, I soon discovered her feeding to be a lot more tame than it had been previously.
Granted, that lasted all of a couple of weeks before my affection had unintentional consequences too. Freya surprisingly kept her promise to Lily during that time – she almost made it three full weeks – but before long she recontinued sitting on my face again with renewed passion.
And I didn’t complain for once.
The first time she did it again, we were laying in my bed with her entire body directly on top of me. At first, I just thought she was wanting to try out another snuggling position. I should have known her choice of clothing – or lack thereof – was a foreboding. She was wearing only a pink silk night-gown, complaining that she wanted to be more comfortable.
Was I really that stupid?
She spun around on me so fast I didn’t even see it coming, slamming her pelvis into my chin and unbuttoning my pants to rub her face against me. But the act itself wasn’t nearly as shocking as how rough she was. Not that it was unpleasant in any way.
She apologized afterwards, saying that she had never been so wet in her entire life. I had no doubt about that given the experience. But when I blurted out that it wasn’t so bad, she decided she was already needing to do it again. And again after that.
Was she trying to make up for the three hundred plus years she went without?
By the third day, I had to begin setting a time limit with her, much to her disappointment.
Since I had decided to begin getting to know more about Freya, I also decided I wanted to know more about her and Lily’s friendship.
Initially, in an effort to keep myself distant from her, I had tried to ignore the little details that slipped through in normal conversation. I knew they had known each other for at least a decade, but that was about the extent of the information I had already gathered.
Thus, about a week after Freya’s secretary called me, which was three days after Freya resumed her facesitting, I was planning on finally asking Lily more about their friendship after we got off work. Instead, she surprised me by sharing without prompt, as if she had read my mind.
Really, she was explaining because she had made plans with Freya, and was bringing me along for the ride. Plans that made me suspect there was a reason why Freya had been so wet the last few nights.
“Wait, Freya designs your clothes?” I asked Lily in disbelief.
We were riding in her car on the way to Freya’s office. I knew Lily wasn’t speaking about the professional clothing she was currently wearing. She was talking about all her fire-proof latex that she wore outside of work, including her underwear.
Lily shrugged, her eyes focused on the road. Her car could drive itself, but she insisted that she enjoyed driving, like myself. “Yeah, we’ve known each other since I was fourteen.” She glanced over, smirking at my gawking. “I was a young model with a unique problem then. While I could certainly wear any type of clothing, it was just too easy for me to accidentally destroy it. All I’d have to do is get too excited, or angry, and…you get the idea.”
“So wait,” I began, trying to wrap my mind around the idea, “did you seek her out, or the other way around?” I couldn’t believe they had known each other for almost fifteen years – half of Lily’s life. No wonder they had maintained their friendship after Freya kidnapped me. Obviously, Lily was well familiar with her friend’s eccentric tendencies, which meant she had probably long since accepted them.
“Both,” Lily admitted. “I had heard that she was working with the FRIL material in an attempt to make clothing, so I tried contacting her. When I couldn’t get a hold of her by phone, I instead tried showing up at her office, but the receptionist wouldn’t even tell her I was there. Freya has always had a lot of unwelcomed guests, given both her beauty and reputation for designing popular lines of clothing. After a while, I began losing hope, but then she unexpectedly showed up at one of my photoshoots. It turned out I was the reason why she had begun working with FRIL in the first place – she already knew my measurements since it was publicly available, so she hadn’t bothered trying to contact me until she was ready for her surprise.” Lily glanced at me again. “I cried when I saw her. Needless to say, she fired her receptionist even though the girl had technically been following her directions. I kind of felt bad about it, but Freya has always been hard on her employees. Often irrationally so.” She paused. “Granted, she always has a valid excuse for letting them go of course.”
Hearing that made me recall all the stories I’d heard from Freya’s secretary a few days ago, as well as the fact that I was the reason why she had transformed from the most heinous boss, to best boss, overnight.
Lily smirked at me as she continued. “She has the tendency to be impulsive too, which I’m sure doesn’t surprise you.”
No, that definitely didn’t, if her kidnapping fiasco was any indication. She could have ruined everything she had worked for with that one moment of indiscretion. It made me wonder just how uncontrollable her impulses were, and what effect that might have on us in the future. But I couldn’t think about that right now. I tried to focus on the conversation. “Huh…so FRIL…what does that stand for again?”
“It’s fire retardant industrial latex.” Lily replied simply. “Back then, it was only used in the industrial industry. The original material wasn’t glossy like my clothing, but Freya developed a method to give it the appearance of vinyl. That's why it took her so long to make me an outfit. She had to figure out a way to transform a somewhat crude material into what it is today." She grinned briefly. "No one realized they were sitting on a gold mine. Even though the clothing she designs for me isn't very useful for most people, a ton of women buy her handbags and other accessories that are guaranteed to survive a fire.” She smirked again. “Freya actually had me help advertise its usefulness before I got out of the modeling business.”
Since Lily had been a model, it surprised me that I had never seen her prior to working with her, but then I realized that the advertisements she was referring to were probably in digital magazines that I wouldn’t have touched in a thousand years. The kind that Nancy at work apparently read.
I sighed, glancing at Lily’s latex bra barely visible through the low-cut top of her navy-blue blouse. Every time I admired her body, I couldn’t believe I’d been so reluctant to try having a relationship with her. Granted, I knew I had reasons for that. Reasons I had yet to share with her, but I didn’t want to think about it at the moment.
Lily abruptly cleared her throat, more with the intention to let me know that she knew I was
staring at her voluptuous chest, rather than asking me to stop. I grinned at her. “So, are you going to tell me why we’re heading to her office?”
She immediately gave me a mischievous look. “I told you it’s a secret.”
“Ah, come on Lily! Does it have anything to do with today being the fifth of May? I won’t tell her you snitched.”
Lily unexpectedly bit her bottom lip, before glancing down at my lap. “I’m not worried about you snitching,” she replied playfully. “If I tell you, then your reaction might give you away.” She then looked down at my lap again for emphasis.
I tried to swallow the sudden lump in my throat.
12: Two Hotties and a Show
My own personal fashion show. I had really let my mind run wild the rest of the way to Freya’s office, prompting Lily to tell me their plans, since our vampiric friend was going to assume she had snitched anyway. I immediately apologized. “Sorry. I can’t help it that I’m a guy, and you’re both super hot.”
She sighed, rolling her eyes as we pulled into the parking lot. “I’m sure you’d love that, but I’m not into that sort of thing,” she reminded me. She then grinned. “Although, I will admit I’m not the only one modeling this evening.”
I stared at her in disbelief. “You really want me to watch her show off her body?”
She groaned at my one-track mind. “It’s a fashion show Sam!”
“And I’m a very healthy male!” I retorted. “You can’t honestly believe the clothing is going to be my only focus.” I scoffed. “I would normally never go to such a thing for that very reason.” I wasn’t sure why I was being so honest with her, knowing she might change her mind. But then again, I had always been fairly honest with her.
Thus far, she had refrained from asking how it was going with Freya, so of course I hadn’t told her that her friend had recently started sitting on my face again. Granted, I didn’t know if it was going to be a regular thing at this point. But I probably would have been truthful if she had asked directly.
Lily parked the car, and then held my gaze for a moment, evaluating my expression. I wasn’t sure what was on her mind, but after a few seconds she finally spoke. “I’m okay if you look at her,” she said quietly. “Just no touching.”
I gawked at her, feeling hesitant. “I didn’t realize fashion shows involved touching in the first place.”
She grinned. “Oh, this one will for sure!”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You’re going to turn me on in front of her? That’s so cruel!”
“To who?” She asked innocently. “You or her?”
“Both!” I exclaimed. “And I thought you said you weren’t into that kind of thing?”
Her grin widened. “I never said anything about her watching.”
Damn. She had a point.
Shit! Was she serious right now?!
A tap on my window abruptly startled me. I whipped my head around to see Freya peering in with a look of annoyance. I followed her gaze, realizing she was looking at my lap.
“Lily!” She whined, her voice muffled by the glass. “It was supposed to be a surprise!” She then stomped her foot and pouted, her red eyes deceptively innocent looking.
I held up my hands in defense as Freya opened the car door. “Hey!” I exclaimed, deciding to lie. “I still don’t know what’s going on!”
Freya glared at me, her thin fingers wrapping gently around my neck, her voice cold. “Don’t lie to me Sam, or else I’ll force myself on you as punishment.”
I gulped, wondering in what universe anyone would consider that to be punishment. I supposed it wouldn’t be so great if she tore out my throat at the same time. Knowing her, she probably would, since her arousal always manifested as a bloodlust first.
Lily immediately cleared her throat. “Freya, we had a deal remember? Keep your paws off my man until after I’m dead.”
Freya smirked at her, a knowing look in her eye. “Oh, alright,” she said sweetly. “I’ll be good.”
Yeah right, if only she knew.
Freya then grabbed me by the arm and hoisted me out of the seat onto my feet. “You’re going to love this!” She said cheerfully. “I’ve made five new outfits for her, four of which are just for normal day activities, but I made a special one just for you!”
The fact that all Lily's clothing was made of colored FRIL made almost everything she wore seem seductive. However, the lump in my throat reappeared again, knowing what she really meant was that she had made something sexy for Lily for the bedroom.
Wow, this was going to be awkward. “And what about you?” I asked hesitantly, wanting to change the subject. “Aren’t you modeling too?”
Freya glared at me. “I knew you were lying,” she hissed. She then abruptly crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. She was quiet for a moment as her expression dropped slightly. “Yeah, I kind of wanted to show some new styles off as well. Really, it’s for Lily to give me her opinion, although I’d like yours too, if that’s alright.” She seemed vulnerable again as she glanced at me from the corner of her eye.
I nodded immediately, my hormones calming down some by her need for my approval. “Of course.” I then hesitated. “Although, I’m probably not the best person to ask about fashion.”
She shrugged. “All you have to do is tell me how I look.”
I smirked at her. “Still not going to be helpful then. You could wear a trash bag and still look amazing.”
Freya immediately grinned, leaning towards me, only for Lily to interrupt. She was suddenly at my side, ensnaring my arm against her large chest. “Okay Sam, enough compliments already. Too many and it will go to her head.”
Freya put her hands on her hips and humphed. “I’ve been starved for compliments all three-hundred and fifty-seven years of my life!”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Please. You’ve been starved for sex. You get plenty of compliments.”
“Umm…Lily,” I began, feeling uneasy about Freya’s death glare. “That’s not very helpful.”
Lily immediately tapped her chin, acting innocent. “Hmm, good point.” She then smirked at me again. “But she’ll get plenty from you soon enough.”
I stared at her in disbelief, knowing she was probably referring to after she died, which made me slightly depressed, but unexpectedly I found myself wondering if she had something else in mind.
Freya grabbed my other arm and together they led me inside to the building, which Freya actually owned.
Beyond the lobby, they led me down a hallway to a small auditorium. I was then forced to sit in a regular foldout chair while they disappeared to get ready. I tried to give them their privacy since I could technically still see them if I concentrated, but I had lived most of my life being good with my second-sight and I wasn’t about to start being inappropriate with it now.
When they returned, I discovered that a private fashion show apparently involved both touching and multiple lap dances from Lily. It would have been amazing were it not for the awkwardness of Freya watching every second of it. I honestly tried to go along with it. But even though Freya didn’t seem to mind, I couldn’t help but feel bad that Lily got something from me that I wasn’t going to offer her for a long time.
I knew I had already overstepped the line with Freya emotionally, now being willing to both show her affection and let her pleasure herself on me, but I still wasn’t about to abandon what I had with Lily by having sex with her friend.
Honestly, I had never been so conflicted in my entire life. At least, certainly not more than this situation with my two women. Because, how do you not care about the girl you will be with eventually? How does it not bother you to know she has to wait while you fool around with her best friend? Granted, I knew I was with Lily first, but Freya’s immortality was slowly making me realize there would eventually come a day when I’d been in a serious relationship with her longer, even if I stayed with Lily for a hundred years.
And that
bothered me. A lot.
At the very least, even if Freya didn’t mind watching us, I didn’t like the idea of her potentially being secretly resentful that she couldn’t have me yet. And if there was even a sliver of that resentment in her, then I was sure her watching Lily give me lap dances wasn’t helping.
Of course, both women picked up on my lackluster response, so they devised a plan behind my back.
Lily and I were now alone in the small auditorium. I was still sitting on the foldout chair with Lily straddling my lap. She was wearing the sexy outfit, which was the big surprise. I had to admit…damn it was hot. It was definitely BDSM themed, with lots of shiny vinyl-looking straps in all the right places. It also included shiny thigh-high stockings and bracers over her forearms.
I had my hands gently resting on the slick material on her thighs, with a war waging inside of me between my hormones and my concern for my other love interest.
Freya had supposedly gone to change, saying it would take her at least ten minutes to get her outfits ready, but I knew better. When Lily went to kiss me, her smoldering orange eyes intense with just a hint of concern, I pulled away.
She immediately sat up straight, her chest swaying from the abrupt movement. “Okay, Sam. Seriously. What’s wrong with you? This was supposed to be fun.”
I sighed heavily. “I’m not trying to ruin it for you, but I just can’t do this stuff in front of Freya.”
Rather than being annoyed, she seemed understanding. “Look, I get it, but she wants to watch, and I’m okay with it too.”
I nodded hesitantly, staring at her blonde hair instead of her eyes. “And I’m glad you two have come to an agreement on that, but I would hate this situation if the roles were flipped. If I had to wait around for you while you screwed some other guy, it would kill me.” The moment I had said it, I perceived Freya shifting uncomfortably from her hiding spot in response to my words – if her unseen body language was any indicator, I had nailed it.
This was bothering her. At least to an extent.
Maybe for her, watching was better than nothing, but still…